Plumber Sand Springs | Elevate Your Water Quality Today

Plumber Sand Springs | Water Filtration. Everything you need to know to avoid corroded pipes.
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Water Filtration System | Best Plumber Sand Springs

Welcome to Green Country Plumbing, best plumber Sand Springs has to offer. In today’s post, we’re diving into the world of whole home water filtration systems. Let’s explore how filters for tap water can elevate your water quality.  Filters remove contaminants and can enhance water taste. Are you ready to discover why investing in a whole home filtration system is a smart choice for your home or business?

Water Quality Matters

Water is essential for life. The quality of the water we consume directly impacts our health. It also impacts our well-being. Unfortunately, tap water can contain various contaminants, including chemicals, heavy metals, and microbes. These contaminants can lead to health issues ranging from digestive problems to long-term illnesses.

A scientific study published in the Journal of Environmental Sciences highlighted the presence of harmful substances like lead and chlorine in municipal water supplies. These substances, even in small amounts, can have adverse effects on human health. This is especially true when you think about ingesting small amounts over time. So, what should you do? Your favorite plumber Sand Springs suggests investing in a whole home filtration system. A filtration system can ensure that the water you and your family use is clean and safe.

Benefits Of Filtering Water | Best Plumber Sand Springs

  • Comprehensive Filtration. A whole home filtration system treats ALL the water entering your home. This means EVERY faucet, shower, and appliance receives filtered water, providing consistent quality throughout your household. This means cleaner water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
  • Removal of Contaminants. From chlorine to pesticides and heavy metals, a quality whole home filtration system can remove a wide range of contaminants. Experience improved taste and odor of your water. 
  • Healthier Skin and Hair. Chlorine and other chemicals in tap water can strip your skin and hair of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Removing skin irritants is beneficial for those with sensitive skin conditions. With filtered water, you’ll experience softer skin and healthier-looking hair.  
  • Extended Appliance Lifespan. Unfiltered, hard water can contribute to the deterioration of plumbing and appliances. Appliances are things like water heaters and washing machines. We find that customers who have whole home filtration systems extend the life of their hot water tanks or tankless water heater systems. By using filtered water, you can prolong the lifespan of your appliances and also reduce maintenance costs. Extending the usable life of appliances, reduces the need for replacement and the associated environmental impact.
  • Environmental Impact. With whole home filtration systems, the need for bottled water drastically reduces. By eliminate the need for purchasing and consuming bottled water, plastic waste decreases and the environmental impact of plastic production. Whole home filtration systems contribute to a more sustainable environment. The best plumber Sand Springs definitely calls that a GREEN WIN!
Dave Asprey, a renowned biohacker and author, emphasizes the importance of water quality in his book “Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever.”
He states, “Clean water is the foundation of good health. Investing in a whole home filtration system is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your family.”

How To Choose A Filtration System

When selecting a whole home water filtration system, consider the following factors:

  • Water Quality. Assess your water quality to determine what/if contaminants present. This will help you choose a filtration system that addresses your specific needs.
  • Filtration Technology. Look for systems that use advanced filtration technologies like reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, or UV sterilization for comprehensive purification. Reverse osmosis systems tend to offer the highest level of water purification. However, they require more complex installation and maintenance.
  • Flow Rate. Consider the flow rate of the filtration system to ensure it can meet your household’s water demand without compromising performance.
  • Maintenance. Opt for a system that is easy to maintain, with accessible filter replacements and clear instructions for upkeep. Filters must be replaced at regular intervals. We are happy to manage that for you so that you can simply, “set it and forget it”.
  • Certifications. Check for certifications from reputable organizations like NSF International to ensure the system meets industry standards for water quality.

Green Country Plumbing: Your Water Quality Partner

At Green Country Plumbing, we understand the importance of clean, safe water for your home. Our team of expert plumbers can assess your water quality, recommend the right whole home filtration system, and handle professional installation with precision. We are committed to quality and customer satisfaction. Trust us to elevate your water quality and enhance your overall well-being.

Best Plumber Sand Springs | Water Filtration Installation

Investing in a whole home water filtration system is a proactive step towards ensuring clean, safe water for you and your family. From removing contaminants to improving the taste and odor of your water, the benefits are numerous. With Green Country Plumbing as your partner, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your water quality is in capable hands. Elevate your water quality today and experience the difference!

Reverse Osmosis: What’s Lurking In Your Water?

Were you aware that water samples from ALL the major cities examined in the United States revealed contaminants? And numerous pharmaceutical drugs in their tap water sources? Our drinking water is exposed to potentially harmful substances. These substances include cancer-causing and neurologically damaging elements like mercury, lead, aluminum, fluoride, and chlorine. Some samples included the presence of antidepressant drugs. The install of a reverse osmosis treatment system can protect your family’s water.

Reverse Osmosis. picture of clean water in glass with lemons and reverse osmosis treatment filter.

Reverse Osmosis Treatment – Introduction to Water Contaminants

In a world where environmental pollutants and contaminants have become an increasing concern, safeguarding the quality of our water has never been more crucial. Dr. Stephen Cabral, a renowned health expert, underscores the significance of adopting advanced water purification methods. These methods counteract the harmful effects of heavy metals and other toxins. At Green Country Plumbing, we believe in providing solutions for the overall well-being of our clients. Read on to learn the importance of installing a reverse osmosis treatment system. A reverse osmosis system can add significant value to your life.

Understanding the Threat of Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. These can infiltrate our water sources through industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and deteriorating plumbing infrastructure. Furthermore, these toxic substances pose severe health risks when consumed. Health issues may include neurological damage, organ failure, and developmental problems. Children may be even more susceptible to issues arising from heavy metals. Dr. Stephen Cabral’s extensive research has highlighted the alarming impact of heavy metals on our health, urging us to take proactive measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

The Role of Reverse Osmosis Treatment Systems

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that utilizes a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities, contaminants, and heavy metals from water. Green Country Plumbing recommends the installation of RO treatment systems for several compelling reasons:

  • Comprehensive Filtration. Unlike traditional water filtration methods, RO systems effectively eliminate a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and dissolved minerals, ensuring that the water you consume is exceptionally pure and safe.
  • Improved Taste and Odor. By removing impurities that contribute to unpleasant tastes and odors, an RO system enhances the overall quality of your water. This not only makes it more enjoyable to drink but also enhances the flavor of beverages and food prepared with purified water.
  • Health Benefits. By investing in an RO treatment system, you’re taking a proactive step toward reducing your exposure to harmful substances, promoting better health and well-being.
  • Environmental Responsibility. RO systems significantly reduce the need for single-use plastic bottled water, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. This not only benefits your health but also supports the broader goal of environmental conservation.
  • Long-Term Cost Savings. While the initial investment in an RO system may seem substantial, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. You’ll save money by eliminating bottled water purchases and potentially reduce healthcare expenses associated with waterborne illnesses.


Incorporating a reverse osmosis treatment system into your home is a proactive and valuable investment in your health and overall quality of life. Green Country Plumbing is committed to providing you with the tools to ensure the purity and safety of your water supply. Take control of your well-being while protecting your loved ones by embracing the transformative power of a reverse osmosis treatment system. Call today.

Residential Plumbing Solutions: What Is Your Water Quality

residential plumbing solutions - test your water

When it comes to your family’s health and well-being, one aspect that should never be compromised is the quality of your home’s water supply. Clean and pure water is essential! We need clean water for drinking, cooking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of testing water for purity and how residential plumbing solutions, including in-home water filtration systems, can make a significant difference in your daily life.

Why Test Your Home’s Water?

Before delving into the benefits of residential water filtration systems, let’s discuss why testing your home’s water is a crucial first step. The water that flows into your home may contain various contaminants, some of which are not visible to the naked eye. Common contaminants include:

  1. Chlorine. Added by municipal water treatment facilities for disinfection, excessive chlorine can affect the taste and smell of your water.
  2. Heavy Metals. Lead, mercury, and other heavy metals can leach into the water supply from pipes and fixtures, posing health risks.
  3. Bacteria and Microorganisms. Harmful bacteria and microorganisms can lead to waterborne illnesses.
  4. Sediment. Particles and sediment can make your water appear cloudy and affect its quality.
  5. Chemical Pollutants. Pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals can find their way into the water supply.

Testing your water for these contaminants is essential to identify any potential issues and take appropriate action to ensure the safety and quality of your drinking water.

The Role of Residential Plumbing Solutions

Residential plumbing solutions, particularly in-home water filtration systems, play a significant role in ensuring the purity of your home’s water. Here’s how:

  1. Improved Taste and Odor. A water filtration system can remove chlorine and other unpleasant odors and tastes, providing you with refreshing and great-tasting water right from your tap.
  2. Removal of Contaminants. Advanced filtration systems can effectively remove heavy metals, bacteria, and microorganisms, ensuring that your water is free from harmful substances.
  3. Clear and Clean Water. Filtration systems eliminate sediment and particles, leaving your water clear and visually appealing.
  4. Health Benefits. Clean water is essential for your family’s health. By removing contaminants, water filtration systems reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses and long-term health issues associated with exposure to impurities.
  5. Eco-Friendly. Some filtration systems are eco-friendly, reducing the need for bottled water and decreasing plastic waste.
The Role of Residential Plumbing Solutions

When considering a residential water filtration system, it’s important to consult with experienced plumbing professionals, like Green Country Plumbing. They can help you choose the right system based on your specific water quality concerns and needs. Options may include:

  1. Whole-House Filtration. These systems treat all the water entering your home, ensuring every tap provides clean water.
  2. Under-Sink Filters. Installed beneath your kitchen sink, these filters provide purified water for drinking and cooking.
  3. Point-of-Use Filters. Designed for specific appliances like refrigerators or water dispensers, these filters improve water quality at a single location.

In conclusion, testing your home’s water for purity and investing in residential plumbing solutions, such as water filtration systems, are essential steps to ensure the safety and quality of your water supply. Clean and pure water not only benefits your health but also enhances the overall quality of life for you and your family. Contact Green Country Plumbing today to learn more about how we can help you achieve clean and safe water in your home. Green Country Plumbing installs water filters and filtration systems.