Gas Leaks: Important Info And Why Hiring A Plumber Is Necessary

Hire a plumber for gas leaks

What Does a Gas Leak Smell Like and What Should You Do If You Smell It?

Natural gas is an affordable, reliable, and clean-burning energy source that powers many homes and businesses across the country. However, if not handled properly, natural gas can be dangerous and even deadly. Hire a plumber for gas leaks. One of the most important things to know about natural gas is how to detect a gas leak and what actions to take if you smell gas in your home.

What Does a Gas Leak Smell Like?

Natural gas is naturally odorless, so utility companies add a chemical called mercaptan to give it a distinctive odor. Mercaptan smells like rotten eggs or sulfur, which is why many people describe the smell of a gas leak as similar to that of a skunk or rotten eggs.

It’s important to note that not all natural gas leaks produce a strong odor. Some leaks may only produce a faint smell or no smell at all, which is why it’s crucial to know the other signs of a gas leak and to take action if you suspect a leak, even if you don’t smell gas.

Does an LP (liquid propane) leak smell different than a natural gas leak?

LP (liquid propane) gas is a different type of gas than natural gas, and it typically contains a chemical odorant that is added to it to make it detectable in the event of a leak. The odorant used in LP gas is usually ethyl mercaptan, which has a strong, unpleasant odor similar to that of rotten eggs or skunk spray, just like the odorant used in natural gas.

So while LP gas and natural gas are not identical, they both typically have an added odorant that produces a similar smell if a leak occurs. However, it’s important to note that the exact odor and strength of the smell can vary depending on the type of gas and the concentration of the odorant. If you suspect a gas leak of any kind, it’s important to take immediate action and follow the appropriate safety procedures.

What Should You Do If You Smell Gas in Your Home and Hire a Plumber for Gas Leaks?

If you smell gas in your home, it’s crucial to act quickly and follow these steps.

  1. Leave the area immediately! If you’re inside, go outside and move away from the house. Do not turn on any lights or electrical switches or use anything that could create a spark, such as a phone or flashlight.
  2. Call 911 or your gas company! Notify the authorities immediately. They will send a professional to assess the situation. ONG 800-458-4251.
  3. Don’t return home until it’s safe! Do not re-enter your home until the gas company or emergency responders have given you the all-clear. They will inspect your home and ensure that it’s safe to enter.
  4. Schedule a gas leak inspection! Even if the gas company finds and repairs the leak, it’s essential to have a licensed plumber inspect your home’s gas lines to ensure that there are no further leaks or safety issues. Hire a plumber for gas leaks.

Gas leaks can be dangerous and even deadly, so it’s essential to know how to detect a gas leak and what actions to take if you smell gas in your home. By following these steps and having your gas lines inspected regularly, you can help keep your home and family safe. If you have any concerns about gas leaks or need assistance with gas line repairs, contact Green Country Plumbing today. Hire a plumber for gas leaks.

Emergency Slab Leak Repair Sand Springs

Emergency slab leak repair. Leak on hardwood floor.

Welcome to the world of plumbing emergencies, where a simple leak can turn into a nightmare in no time! One of the most dreaded leaks is a slab leak. A slab leak may start as a damp spot on your floor and then take your peaceful life by storm. Here at Green Country Plumbing, we take an emergency slab leak repair very seriously. See our Google reviews. Let’s dive into this potentially catastrophic situation.

How do you know if you have an emergency slab leak?

You know you have a slab leak when water starts seeping through the cracks of your floors or walls. If you feel like you are possibly living in a sinking submarine in your living room, it’s time to contact your Sand Springs plumber. Quite simply explained, a slab leak occurs when there’s a break or leak in the pipes beneath the concrete slab foundation of your house. If you have carpet, you will notice a wet spot that won’t dry even after attempting to soak it up. At first, homeowners may think that they spilled something and dry it up only to come back later and find it is still wet. This wet spot is not something you should ignore!

What should you do if you think you have a slab leak?

  1. Turn off the water to your home so the leak doesn’t continue making a mess.
  2. Call Green Country Plumbing. The longer you ignore an emergency slab leak, the more damage it can cause. Water can damage your flooring, furniture and walls. Water leaks can also cause mold if left untreated. The leaks and water damage could be as severe as causing structural damage to your house. Don’t wait for the worst to happen; call a plumber ASAP! At Green Country Plumbing, we will help you with your emergency slab leak repair. Tackle the situation before it’s too late.
  3. Call your insurance agent. Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to determine if your policy covers slab leaks. If so, you should reach out to your local agent and let them know of the situation. They will be able to start the claims process with you and explain more about what exactly is or is not covered.

After contacting Green Country Plumbing, here is what you can expect:

  1. Initial Assessment. The plumber will visit the property to detect the leak, assess the extent of the damage and determine the cause of the leak.
  2. Repair Plan. Once the plumber has identified the problem, they will provide a repair plan outlining the necessary steps to fix the slab leak, including the estimated cost the emergency slab leak repair.
  3. Repair Work. The plumber will perform the necessary repairs to fix the slab leak, which may involve cutting through the concrete slab to access the damaged pipe. This can cause a lot of dust.
  4. Testing. The plumber will test the repaired pipe to ensure that the leak has been fixed and the water supply is working correctly.
  5. Cleanup. After the repair work is complete, the plumber will clean up any debris or mess created during the repair process and will repour concrete if it was removed to access the leak.
  6. Install New Flooring. Depending on what the homeowner prefers, we will bring in a flooring contractor to install new flooring, or the homeowner may opt to do this on their own.

The next time you’re facing a plumbing emergency, don’t forget to call us, and we’ll be there to help you save the day!

Do You Know What Steps To Take If You See A Water Heater Leak?

Learn the steps to take below.

Tulsa water heater expert, Green Country Plumbing, explains steps following discovering a water heater leak.

If you’re a homeowner, you know that a leaking water heater can be a major headache. Not only is it frustrating to deal with, but it can also cause SIGNIFICANT damage to your home. That’s why it’s important to know what to do when your water heater starts leaking. In this blog post, we’ll cover some steps you can take to address a leaking water heater, and we’ll also discuss the importance of working with a Tulsa water heater leak expert.

Step 1: Turn off the power and water supply immediately

The first thing you should do when you notice a leak from your water heater is to turn off the power supply. If you have an electric water heater, turn off the circuit breaker that controls the water heater. If you have a gas water heater, turn off the gas valve. Next, turn off the water supply to the water heater. This will help prevent further damage to your home and minimize the risk of electrical shock.

Step 2: Determine the source of the water heater leak

Once you’ve turned off the power and water supply, it’s time to figure out where the leak is coming from. Check the fittings and connections around the water heater to see if you can identify the source of the leak. Common areas for leaks include the pressure relief valve, the drain valve, and the tank itself. If you can’t determine the source of the leak, it’s time to call in a Tulsa water heater expert.

Step 3: Call a Tulsa water heater expert

A leaking water heater is not something you should try to fix on your own. It’s important to call a Tulsa water heater expert as soon as possible to address the problem. A professional plumber will have the knowledge and experience to diagnose the issue and recommend the best course of action.

Step 4: Prevent future leaks

Once your water heater has been repaired or replaced, it’s important to take steps to prevent future leaks. Regular maintenance and inspection by Green Country Plumbing can help identify potential issues before they become major problems. You may also want to consider installing a water alarm, which will alert you if there is a leak in your home.

Click here for additional homeowner information for water heaters.