Are you experiencing sluggish drains, strange odors, or water backing up in multiple areas of your home? These could be indicators of main line stoppages, a plumbing issue that demands immediate attention. At Green Country Plumbing, we understand the importance of recognizing these signs and taking swift action to prevent further complications.

Signs Of Main Line Stoppages
Multiple Drains Backing Up
If you’ve noticed more than one drain exhibiting symptoms like slow movement, gurgling sounds, unpleasant smells, or water backing up, it’s highly likely that a main sewer clog is the culprit. Most customers describe the sound as “gurgling” or “bubbling”.
Sewer Clean Out Drainage
Keep an eye on your yard and the sewer line cleanout pipe. If you observe sewage standing in your yard or draining from the cleanout pipe, a main sewer clog is a probable cause.
Sewage in Floor Drain
The presence of sewage in the floor drain is a clear sign of a main sewer line blockage. This issue requires prompt attention to prevent further damage.
Water Backing Up in Shower When Toilet Flushes
Another red flag is water backing up in the shower when you flush the toilet. This is indicative of a clogged main sewer line and should not be ignored.
Taking Action
It’s crucial to understand that a main line stoppage is a serious problem that demands immediate professional attention. If you suspect a sewer drain clog, refrain from using your home plumbing until the issue is resolved to prevent exacerbating the problem.
Clearing a main line stoppage involves handling raw sewage, making it a task best left to professionals equipped with the right tools and expertise. At Green Country Plumbing, our team is ready to tackle these challenges, ensuring a safe and effective resolution to your main line stoppage problems.
Main Line Stoppages Service Calls INCLUDE CAMERA INSPECTIONS!!!
Call today for an appointment and see what is causing your stoppage.