Plumbing DIY Fail? Call The Plumbing Experts To Help

Hey there, fearless DIY warriors! We know the feeling of conquering a home improvement project, but let’s face it – sometimes, things are more complicated then they seemed. That’s where we, the plumbing superheroes at Green Country Plumbing, swoop in to save the day. Because let’s be real, not all DIY plumbing attempts end in victory dances. But hey, at least they make for great stories, right? Find what to do if you have a plumbing DIY fail in this post.

Plumbing DIY Fail Tulsa - kitchen remodel pictures

Plumbing DIY Fail That Reveal Rookie Status

  • Forgetting the water shut-off valve before beginning work.
  • Installing new plumbing fixtures but not replacing worn components/pipes.
  • When tightening a fitting, not using a wrench that aligns with both the pipe size and threading of your connection. It’s worth noting that this doesn’t necessarily refer to a pipe wrench in every case.
  • Digging into a project without fully understanding the scope first.

Common Plumbing DIY Tulsa Fails

Water shut off.

One common oversight in plumbing projects is the failure to remember the water shut-off valve. Neglecting this crucial step can result in unnecessary mess and potential damage. Whether you’re fixing a leaky faucet or replacing a section of piping, turning off the water supply ensures a smoother and cleaner process, preventing unexpected waterworks that could turn your project into a plumbing DIY fail fiasco.

Worn components.

A pitfall many plumbing DIY Tulsa enthusiasts encounter is the omission of worn components when installing new plumbing fixtures. Simply putting in new fixtures without addressing the condition of existing pipes or components can lead to a short-lived solution. Overlooking worn-out elements might undermine the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach when upgrading or replacing fixtures.

Plumbing Connections.

Achieving a secure fit when tightening a plumbing connection is essential, but the choice of wrench matters just as much. It’s a common error to overlook the necessity of a wrench that matches both the pipe size and threading of your connection. Importantly, this doesn’t always mean reaching for a pipe wrench; using the right tool for the job ensures a snug fit without risking damage to the pipes or connections.

Project Scope.

Embarking on a plumbing project without a clear understanding of its scope is like setting sail without a map. It’s a classic mistake to dive in headfirst without assessing the intricacies of the task at hand. Whether it’s a simple repair or a more complex installation, taking the time to comprehend the project’s scope can save you from unexpected challenges and ensure a smoother, more successful outcome.

In the grand dance of DIY plumbing, missteps are just part of the rhythm. At Green Country Plumbing, we want you to know that there’s no shame in calling for a rescue when the plumbing tango takes an unexpected turn.


Your time is precious, and so is the peace of mind we offer. When you call us, not only do you get a quick and effective remedy. But, you also unlock the assurance of our professional warranty. So, kick back, let us take the lead, and trust your decision to call Green Country Plumbing. After all, every plumbing hiccup deserves a hero, and we’re here to be yours. Dance on, worry-free!

Toilet Troubles? What Not to Flush. Toilet Clog Tulsa

Toilet clog Tulsa
Introduction. Toilet Clog Tulsa.

Maintaining a smoothly running plumbing system is crucial for any household or business, and when it comes to the heart of your plumbing—the toilet—it’s essential to be mindful of what goes down the drain. A toilet clog is a common issue that can lead to inconvenient and messy situations. In this blog post, we’ll explore what not to flush down the toilet, why it matters, and what to do when those stubborn clogs happen.

What Not To Flush
  • Flushable Wipes. Despite the label, “flushable” wipes can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. They don’t break down as easily as toilet paper and can contribute to toilet clogs over time.
  • Sanitary Products. Feminine hygiene products and diapers should never be flushed down the toilet. They can quickly cause blockages and damage to your pipes.
  • Cotton Balls and Swabs. Cotton may seem harmless, but when flushed, it tends to absorb water and expand, creating a potential barrier in your pipes.
  • Dental Floss. Dental floss doesn’t break down and can combine with other debris, forming a tangled mess that leads to clogs.
  • Paper Towels. Unlike toilet paper, paper towels are designed to be durable, making them resistant to breaking down in water. Flushing them can lead to blockages.

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Why Tulsa Faces Toilet Clog Issues

Tulsa’s plumbing system can be particularly susceptible to clogs due to factors such as aging infrastructure, hard water, and regional plumbing challenges. The key is to be proactive in preventing clogs and knowing how to address them when they occur.

What To Do When A Clog Happens
  • Use a Plunger. A plunger is a handy tool for dislodging simple toilet clogs. Ensure you have a good seal over the drain, and then push and pull the plunger vigorously.
  • Natural Drain Cleaners. Consider using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Pour it down the drain, let it sit for a while, and then flush with hot water. This can help break down minor toilet clog Tulsa.
  • Call a Professional. For persistent or severe clogs, it’s best to call in the experts. Green Country Plumbing in Tulsa offers professional services to assess and resolve any plumbing issues promptly.

Toilet clog Tulsa – are an unfortunate reality, but with a bit of caution and proper maintenance, you can minimize the risk. Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items, be aware of your plumbing system’s limitations, and don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals like Green Country Plumbing when clogs become overwhelming. By following these guidelines, you’ll keep your plumbing running smoothly and avoid unnecessary disruptions to your daily life.

Your Thanksgiving Feast and Your Garbage Disposal in Sand Springs

Garbage Disposal Sand Springs

As we gather around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving in Sand Springs, there’s one unsung hero in our homes that often goes overlooked – the garbage disposal. While it may not be as glamorous as the perfectly roasted turkey or the decadent pumpkin pie, your garbage disposal Sand Springs plays a crucial role in handling the aftermath of the feast. At Green Country Plumbing, we want to ensure your Thanksgiving doesn’t turn into a plumbing fiasco. So, let’s dive into what is not safe for your garbage disposal during this festive season.

10 Garbage Disposal Don’ts
  • Gravy, Grease, and Oils. Resist the temptation to pour that savory turkey gravy or excess cooking oils down the sink. Grease hardens in your drains, creating a perfect trap for other food items and leading to stubborn clogs. Instead, let it cool and solidify before disposing of it in the trash.
  • Turkey Bones. While it might seem convenient to dispose of turkey bones down the garbage disposal, refrain from doing so. Small bones can get lodged in drain lines, while larger ones can wreak havoc on the impeller blades. Save the bones for broth or discard them in the trash.
  • Starchy Overload. Thanksgiving staples like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes may be delicious, but they spell trouble for your garbage disposal. Starches expand with water, causing potential blockages. Opt for the wastebasket instead of the disposal for dishes like corn, sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes.
  • Skins, Peels, and Rinds. Potato skins, turkey skin, banana peels, pumpkin, and various fruit rinds should avoid the garbage disposal. These items contribute to clogs and can entangle in the impeller, leading to operational issues. Dispose of them in the trash instead.
  • Fibrous Vegetables. Fibrous vegetables such as pumpkin, celery, artichokes, and chard may be healthy, but they’re a nightmare for your garbage disposal. The stringy material can tangle up inside the impeller, causing jams and long-term problems. Throw them in the trash or compost heap.
  • Nuts & Shells. While soft nuts might seem harmless, the grinding process turns them into a paste that can coat and block drains. Nutshells, especially hard ones like chestnuts or walnuts, can get stuck in impeller blades, potentially causing damage. Dispose of nuts and shells carefully.
  • Pits & Seeds. Similar to shells, pits and seeds pose a threat to your garbage disposal. Small seeds like pumpkin seeds can contribute to clogs, while larger pits (like those from peaches) can seriously damage impeller blades. Toss them in the trash instead.
  • Coffee Grounds. Despite their small size, coffee grounds create a sludge when combined with water, forming a serious obstruction. Spare your garbage disposal Sand Springs from this challenge and dispose of coffee grounds in the garbage or compost heap.
  • Egg Shells. While your garbage disposal can grind them up, eggshells bring their own set of challenges. The egg membrane can wrap around impeller blades, and tiny shell pieces can contribute to stubborn clogs. Dispose of eggshells with care.
  • Other Large Food Items. Remember, your garbage disposal is not a second trash can. Avoid overwhelming it with large food items. Stick to disposing of light food waste to prevent frustrating clogs and maintain peak efficiency. This Thanksgiving, give your garbage disposal Sand Springs the break it deserves.

This Thanksgiving, let’s express our gratitude not only for the delicious feast but also for the appliances that make clean-up a breeze. By utilizing this list, you can ensure your garbage disposal stays in top shape, preventing any plumbing headaches in Sand Springs. At Green Country Plumbing, we’re here to make sure your holidays flow smoothly – both in and out of the kitchen. Wishing you a happy and clog-free Thanksgiving!