Tulsa Plumbing Service | Faucet Repair Secrets For No More Drips

A big “ick” in the world of homeownership is the persistent drip of a leaking faucet. It can be both annoying and wasteful. A dripping faucet contributes to water wastage and increased utility bills. The good news is that, in most cases, faucet repair can be done without calling a Tulsa plumbing service expert. Faucet repairs are a manageable task that can save you money and save on your water bill. However, we are only a phone call away if you need us!

Faucet Repair helpful tips. dripping faucet. Tulsa plumbing service.

Faucet Repair Culprits: O-rings, Washers, Cartridges, and Valve Seats

Behind the scenes of your faucet’s elegant exterior lie several components. Each one plays a crucial role in your faucet’s functionality. When it comes to repairing a dripping faucet, the typical suspects are often O-rings, washers, cartridges, and valve seats. Let’s get into what each of these are and what they do.


O-rings are small rubber rings that create a watertight seal in the spout and handles of your faucet. Over time, they can wear out, crack, or become loose, causing water to leak. If you notice water seeping from the base of the faucet, O-rings might be the culprit.


Washers, particularly found in compression faucets, experience friction each time you turn the handle. This constant movement can lead to wear and tear, resulting in leaks. If you have a traditional compression faucet, a dripping spout may signal a worn-out washer.


Common in single-handle faucets, cartridges control the flow of water. If your faucet is dripping from the spout or handle, a faulty cartridge could be to blame. Replacing a cartridge is a more intricate task but is often necessary to stop persistent leaks.

Valve Seats

The valve seat is where the faucet and spout connect. Over time, sediment buildup can occur, causing leaks. If you notice water dripping from the spout even when the faucet is off, a damaged or corroded valve seat may be the issue.

Repairing the Drip

Repairing a dripping faucet involves identifying the problematic component and replacing it. We are here for you and would love to tackle this for you. The following steps should only be attempted if you already possess basic plumbing knowledge. Additionally, you will need tools! We suggest laying all parts and tools out before you start this project to ensure you have everything. Here’s a basic guide to help you tackle the task suggested by Tulsa plumbing service pros:

Turn off the water.

This might be the most important step! Before starting any repairs, turn off the water supply to the faucet. This prevents water from gushing out as you work.

Disassemble the faucet.

Depending on the type of faucet, use the appropriate tools to disassemble it. This may involve removing handles, spouts, and other parts to access the internal components.

Identify and replace the problematic culprit.

Once inside, identify the problematic component – whether it’s an O-ring, washer, cartridge, or valve seat. Replace the damaged part with a new one, ensuring a proper fit.

Reassemble and test your faucet repair work.

Carefully reassemble the faucet and turn on the water supply. Test the faucet to ensure the leak has been resolved. If the issue persists, call your favorite Tulsa plumbing service pros, Green Country Plumbing.

Repairing a dripping faucet is a task that can be undertaken by homeowners with basic plumbing skills and tools. If you understand the key components such as O-rings, washers, cartridges, and valve seats, you can likely troubleshoot and fix leaks efficiently. However, if you ever feel unsure or encounter complex issues, it’s always wise to seek the expertise of a professional plumber. With Green Country Plumbing, Tulsa plumbing service experts, you can ensure a drip-free home and contribute to water conservation efforts, one repaired faucet at a time.

The Hidden Dangers of Not Flushing After Urination. Flush Toilet Problems.

Flush Toilet Problems

As licensed plumbers with years of experience in the field, we’ve seen it all when it comes to plumbing issues. Wanting to save water is smart! But, saving a little water by not flushing the toilet is not. The image above is an example of a customer who did not flush if they only urinated. The toilet is clean but the mineral deposits damaged the toilet causing the discoloration. After a quick trip to the bathroom, this seemingly innocent habit can lead to long-term damage to your toilet and your plumbing system. Read further about why not flushing after urination can have serious consequences and why it’s best to break this habit.

Flush Toilet Problems Now and Avoid Toilet Damage.

One of the most significant dangers of not flushing after urination is the potential for damage to your toilet. Here’s how it happens:

  • Mineral Buildup: Urine contains minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can form deposits on the porcelain surface of your toilet bowl over time. These mineral deposits create unsightly stains and can be challenging to remove. In severe cases, they may even cause permanent damage to the toilet’s finish.
  • Odor Problems: The lingering smell of stale urine in the toilet bowl is not only unpleasant but also an indication of bacterial growth. Over time, the accumulation of bacteria can lead to odors that are difficult to eliminate.
  • Clog Risk: Urine alone might not flush down as effectively as solid waste, increasing the risk of clogs in your toilet’s trap or drain. These clogs can lead to frequent backups and, in some cases, even toilet overflows, causing significant water damage to your bathroom.
Pipe and Plumbing Problems.

Not flushing after urination doesn’t just impact your toilet; it can also affect your entire plumbing system:

  • Mineral Deposits in Pipes: When urine is left in the bowl without flushing, minerals from the urine can accumulate in your plumbing pipes. Over time, these deposits can lead to reduced water flow and even blockages, causing issues not only in the toilet but also throughout your plumbing system.
  • Cost of a New Toilet: Costs can vary. But, a ballpark estimate for a licensed plumber to remove an old toilet and replace with new (not including the toilet or service call fee) ranges from $225 -$300.
  • Increased Corrosion: The minerals in urine can contribute to corrosion in your plumbing pipes, particularly if you have older metal pipes. Corrosion weakens the pipes, making them more prone to leaks and failures.
  • Bacterial Growth: Stagnant urine in the toilet bowl can lead to bacterial growth, which can find its way into your plumbing system. Bacteria can cause unpleasant odors and, in some cases, even health concerns. Flush toilet problems.
Environmental Impact.

While it’s important to conserve water, not flushing is not the best way to go about it. Modern toilets are designed to be efficient. Newer toilets use less water per flush than older models. Additionally, there are other ways to reduce water consumption in your home, such as fixing leaks, installing low-flow faucets, and being mindful of water usage elsewhere.

What is the Cost of Flushing a Toilet?

Explore our blog post about the cost of flushing a toilet:
BLOG POST – How much does flushing a toilet cost?

In conclusion, while the idea of saving a little water by not flushing after urination might seem appealing, the potential long-term consequences far outweigh the short-term benefits. To protect your toilet, plumbing system, and the environment, it’s best to flush every time you use the toilet. If you’re concerned about water conservation, consider other eco-friendly options that won’t compromise the integrity of your plumbing. Remember, regular maintenance and care are essential to keep your plumbing system in good working condition. If you encounter any plumbing issues, don’t hesitate to contact a licensed plumber for professional assistance.

Green Country Plumbing Has A Strong Commitment To Eco-Friendly Solutions

Green Plumbing Solutions in Tulsa

Green Plumbing Services in Tulsa / Green Plumbing Solutions

At Green Country Plumbing, we are dedicated to providing exceptional plumbing services. We also have many eco-friendly / green plumbing solutions for our valued customers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the surrounding areas. Our plumbing company takes great pride in not only delivering top-quality repairs and installations but also in offering eco-friendly options. We align with our customers’ desire for sustainable solutions. In this post about Green Plumbing Services, we highlight our commitment to environmental responsibility. We also talk about how we are making a positive impact on the communities we serve.

Water-Saving Fixtures.

We understand the importance of water conservation, especially in regions where water resources may face challenges. That’s why we offer a wide range of water-saving fixtures to our customers. Our expert team can recommend and install low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets that reduce water consumption without sacrificing performance or comfort. We understand that our consumers prefer to have water pressure they desire without adding to their overall water consumption. By opting for “green” fixtures, our customers will lower their water bills while actively contributing to the preservation of water resources.

Energy-Efficient Water Heaters.

Green Country Plumbing is proud to promote energy-efficient water heating solutions. We understand the impact that traditional water heaters can have on both the environment and utility bills. To address these concerns, we offer innovative options such as tankless water heaters and heat pump water heaters. These systems are designed to minimize energy waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide our customers with reliable access to hot water while saving them money in the long run.

Leak Detection & Repair.

Undetected leaks can lead to significant water waste and potential damage to homes and businesses. At Green Country Plumbing, we prioritize leak detection and repair services. Our skilled technicians utilize advanced technology and expertise to identify even the most elusive leaks, ensuring they are promptly fixed. By addressing leaks swiftly, we help our customers conserve water, minimize property damage, and reduce unnecessary expenses.

Environmentally-Friendly Materials.

We are committed to recommending and utilizing environmentally-friendly plumbing materials whenever possible. By choosing products made from recycled or sustainable materials, we contribute to the reduction of waste and the conservation of natural resources. Our team can guide customers in selecting fixtures, pipes, and fittings that meet their needs while aligning with their eco-conscious values. We have numerous options for green plumbing solutions in Tulsa.

Comprehensive Education and Awareness.

At Green Country Plumbing, we believe that education is key to fostering sustainable practices. Through our blog, social media platforms, and personalized customer interactions, we provide valuable information and tips on water conservation, eco-friendly plumbing practices, and the benefits of proper maintenance. By empowering our customers with knowledge, we help them make informed decisions and actively participate in the preservation of our environment.

We are proud to serve our Tulsa, Oklahoma customers and surrounding areas with a focus on eco-friendly / green plumbing solutions for all their plumbing needs. By offering water-saving fixtures, energy-efficient water heaters, leak detection and repair services, environmentally-friendly materials, and comprehensive education, we strive to make a positive impact.

We invite you to reach out to Green Country Plumbing for all your plumbing repairs and installations. Together, let’s work towards a greener future while ensuring the utmost satisfaction and convenience for our valued customers in Tulsa and beyond.

Call Green Country Plumbing today, your eco-friendly expert! 918-241-3605

Green Plumbing by Green Country Plumbing